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Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Happy Birthday to Me!
Sorry, a shameless plug. Must go to work, though! :) I hope you have a great day too, birthday or not!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Comings and Goings
Hi all, this is a picture of all the cool stuff sent to me by Bobbi, for our monthly dishcloth swap over at yahoo. The theme was "emergency kit" so you'd have all the essentials, for keeping something in your car, so you can always be knitting. I thought this little kit was just too fun. It has everything in it, from circular needles, to a crochet hook, to stitch markers and a row counter. I thought the dishrags were very pretty. One (the coffee cup) is knitted, and the other one is done in crochet. Bobbi, like me does both. I thought the color was beautiful, kind of a salmon color. Very nice. Thanks Bobbi for spoiling me once again.
Then here is the items I sent to Karen in New York, for the Dish Rag Tag (see sidebar) that I was involved with this month. Everything stopped when I got that box, as you might have read in my last post. Hope she liked everything, I do believe that she has sent the box on to the next person already. That was really fun too!
Then here is the items I sent to Karen in New York, for the Dish Rag Tag (see sidebar) that I was involved with this month. Everything stopped when I got that box, as you might have read in my last post. Hope she liked everything, I do believe that she has sent the box on to the next person already. That was really fun too!
I just sent out Bobbi's stuff today, so I can't show you the pictures of those items, but I will in a couple of days, to make sure she gets it before I post it. I can't wait to put my emergency kit in the car. Just need to pick out a pattern, and stick it in there, and then I will always have at least a dishrag going. :) Fun, fun!
Also, just joined Facebook. Long story on why, but I;m there. It seems a lot harder to me than blogging, and I am not going to give up blogging, but maybe its a little bit more "instant" than blogging. If your on Facebook, look me up. I guess that's really it for now. I have to go shopping, our daughter - in-law to be's birthday is tomorrow. 19. Wow, remember when? My birthday is Friday, but lets just say I won;t be 19!! :)
Guess that's it, I thought I had more pictures, but can't seem to find them. I will check, and you might be hearing from me later in the week. For now, I'm glad you stopped by, Thanks for visiting. Hope you have a great week!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Finally, I have finished a few items, and I have been waiting for this! I am a part of this years Dish Rag Tag. Emily over at Yarn Miracle is orchestrating this, and she is doing a fantastic job. I wouldn't even know where to begin. I got my package today, from Karen in Illinois, and I have to get the cloth done tonight, and then mail it out first thing tomorrow. Had the mail come a little earlier today, I could have gotten it out today. I am on the Cotton Queens team. We will win, cuz we are Queens and we rule. Sorry, really bad pun there!! Couldn't help myself. Karen really out did herself, as you can see, especially since the box isn't that big. Thanks Karen!! Next up are my socks. I started these way back the beginning of February, when our middle son ended up in the hospital. I got the first one done pretty quickly, but have been so slow with the second one. Finally, they are done!! They look like one is bigger than the other, but they aren't, they fit like a glove!! Very nice!! They are the thickest ones I've done. I have already cast on for another pair. I am doing Jaywalkers from Grumperina. You can find the pattern and more of her great designs on Ravelry. I am getting ready to send out my monthly dishcloth swap stuff, but I can't post pictures until she has it. I think I'm sending it to Bobbi in New Jersey. So fun!!
Our oldest and only daughter passed her driving test tonight. She is finally a legal driver. It will be very helpful, especially for herself, as she will have lots of extra commitments this year. I want to take a moment, and thank all of you who left such positive, and encouraging comments on my blog recently. I know that I will probably never meet many of you, maybe none of you, but it is so cool to sit back and watch the Lord bring people into your life through many different avenues. Thanks again!!
On that note, some serious news to tell. I waited a little while to tell this, b/c we needed to make sure that all our family knew before I posted this. As many of you know, our oldest son is a Marine. He has been called up, and will be leaving soon to fulfill his duty to our country. This is a tuffy people. On one hand, I am so filled with pride that I feel like I might just bust, but at the same time he is my baby. And this is hard on a mothers heart. I KNOW that beyond a shadow of a doubt, that wherever he goes, he is in the Lord's will and that the Lord will protect him!! I would ask that you remember him in your prayers, and not just him, but every son and daughter that is serving our country, whether they are here or abroad. Needless to say, the wedding is still on, but will be pushed out to a later date. Anna is going to make a great helpmate for him, she is already being so positive, and has such a great attitude about the whole thing. Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." God has been faithful and He can and will continue to be faithful!! Thanks for stopping by.
Monday, September 8, 2008
What a Week!
Hi all, Where did the week go? The kids started back to school. My son, the freshman, is the only one who didn't want to even talk about school until the day it started, so when I offered several times, to go walk around the school and find his classes, he did not want to. Okay. So, when he got home the first day of school, he said, "I didn't find one class on time." "I thought I was never going to find the gym." Which my daughter, the senior, replied,"We have two!" My son just shook his head and said, "Don't tell me that, I found the one I needed!!" The next day, I asked him how it went, and in his proudest manner said, "I was only late to two classes today!!" We're getting there!!!!!!!! :) My daughter, again the senior, is determined to enjoy everyday of this year, and so she should. She's a fairly good student, if its a music class, and her schedule is fairly easy this year. That's as it should be!!! She'll have a ball!!
Our youngest started junior high (lots of milestones this year). He is also playing football. The games start this Wednesday. I do not mind football, until the weather starts to get "Yucky." I think he plays tightend, and maybe kicker. They are still trying out for that one. He is our little social butterfly! Its gonna be a fun 6 years with him!!!!!!
I started my new job on Thursday. I got a job (part time) at our local library. The gals I have met so far are very nice and eventhough its different than I thought, I really think I will enjoy it. I just love being around books. Trouble is, I see all this stuff that looks good, that I haven't read yet, and my list is already growing!! Yikes!!
I also started my bible study last week. It really was an introduction class, so the first lesson is this week. I have a great group of ladies, who are hungry to study God's word. We are doing "Covenant". It is the Precept Study, by Kay Arthur, that I mentioned in a much older post. They are pretty in depth, and more time consuming than most studies. I also start teaching piano lessons today. I only have 4 students today, and then 3 on Thursday, when I get home from the Library. Not too bad!
I did have a special priviledge on Sunday, I was asked by a gentleman back in August to sing at a veterans home here in Grand Rapids. I was so honored to so. I sang "God Bless America" and "Amazing Grace My Chains Are Gone." Just when you think your going to go do something and bless them, they end up blessing you!!!!!!!! I wore my MOM Marine Shirt, and several of them gave me a "Sempre Fi." I wish I had the time to hear their stories. I'm sure they are amazing.
Yes, there has been knitting. Seems like I have pumped out a lot of dishcloths, so fast, that I haven't even had time to get pictures, before they are out the door. Two of them are on their way to Guatemala today with my girlfriend. She is flying back there to see her ailing father, so I made a couple for her mom. I hope to finish up my socks, I am anxious to start a new pair. I also am almost done with a cowl. Pictures soon!! Thanks for your visit, and I hope I didn't ramble too much!! Have a great week!!
Our youngest started junior high (lots of milestones this year). He is also playing football. The games start this Wednesday. I do not mind football, until the weather starts to get "Yucky." I think he plays tightend, and maybe kicker. They are still trying out for that one. He is our little social butterfly! Its gonna be a fun 6 years with him!!!!!!
I started my new job on Thursday. I got a job (part time) at our local library. The gals I have met so far are very nice and eventhough its different than I thought, I really think I will enjoy it. I just love being around books. Trouble is, I see all this stuff that looks good, that I haven't read yet, and my list is already growing!! Yikes!!
I also started my bible study last week. It really was an introduction class, so the first lesson is this week. I have a great group of ladies, who are hungry to study God's word. We are doing "Covenant". It is the Precept Study, by Kay Arthur, that I mentioned in a much older post. They are pretty in depth, and more time consuming than most studies. I also start teaching piano lessons today. I only have 4 students today, and then 3 on Thursday, when I get home from the Library. Not too bad!
I did have a special priviledge on Sunday, I was asked by a gentleman back in August to sing at a veterans home here in Grand Rapids. I was so honored to so. I sang "God Bless America" and "Amazing Grace My Chains Are Gone." Just when you think your going to go do something and bless them, they end up blessing you!!!!!!!! I wore my MOM Marine Shirt, and several of them gave me a "Sempre Fi." I wish I had the time to hear their stories. I'm sure they are amazing.
Yes, there has been knitting. Seems like I have pumped out a lot of dishcloths, so fast, that I haven't even had time to get pictures, before they are out the door. Two of them are on their way to Guatemala today with my girlfriend. She is flying back there to see her ailing father, so I made a couple for her mom. I hope to finish up my socks, I am anxious to start a new pair. I also am almost done with a cowl. Pictures soon!! Thanks for your visit, and I hope I didn't ramble too much!! Have a great week!!
Monday, September 1, 2008
My First Blog Award!!
I just got my first blog award from friend Rebecca Jo over at http://rebecca-belle.blogspot.com/. I was so surprised and grateful, lets see if I can do this right.
There are rules, and here they are:
1. Put the award on your blog. (Hopefully its there)
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you (that's below) and say something nice about them. ( So not hard to do!)
3. Name at least 4 fellow bloggers for this award.
4. Add links for the recipients.
5. Leave a comment to let the recipients know they have received the award.
I know, doesn't sound hard, its all that computer stuff (linking) that I have trouble with. Well lets see how this goes.
Rebecca Jo's blog is so wonderful! She is very funny and almost on a daily basis challenges me with even the simplest things. She is a knitter, heavily involved in her church youth group, (which I envy, I don't have much patience with other peoples kids) :) She loves the Lord, and you can tell that just by reading her blog. I love to visit her, and she is so kind and gracious when she leaves comments on my blog. Please go visit her. You won't be sorry, but you might be challenged!! Thanks again Rebecca Jo!!!
Here are the 5 blogger friends that I would like to give this award to:
1. http://knittinggiraffe.blogspot.com/ (Leah) She is just plain cute. She is a wonderful knitter, and again, is very gracious when she comments. She is encouraging and thoughtful. Her blog is a very soothing place to visit. And, in case you couldn't tell, she loves giraffes!!
2. http://sewtakeahike.typepad.com/ (Penny) Penny is actually a seamstress!! Her blog is filled with great projects that inspire me, and I don't sew, so well (sorry bad humor :) Her blog is simply beautiful!! She also often has great recipes to pass along, and she has marvelous tutorials on different techniques. She too is very encouraging, a trait all these particular blogger friends have, by the way!!
3. http://homespunliving.blogspot.com/ (Deb) Her blog makes you want to get a cup of tea, and just curl up a stay. She is a knitter, mom and always puts out great recipes, and shares photos, and so many other ideas, you'll always find something new. Her use of vintage items is what drew me to her. Again, her blog is just beautiful!!
4. http://woolwindings.blogspot.com/ (Wool Winder) Loves the Lord, is a fabulous knitter, and puts out some great pictures. Also an encourager!! She also has been married as long as I have. Now that would be an award! :) She also shares so much of herself, and her blog is a joy to go to often!! Which, I do!!!!!
5. Last, but certainly not least is friend Tea at http://foothillsofthegreatsmokymountains.blogspot.com/ . The fact that she is from Tennessee (where my Dad hails from), is what led me to her. Then to find out she likes tomatas (not a spelling error, she'll get it!! ) and sweet tea, boy oh boy, and she knits beautiful things, and now she is sewing like a mad woman. How could you not love her!! She is very funny and her blog is a wonderful place to go. Wish I could really be there, I love Tennessee!!
To all these blogger friends, some are newer than others, but they are wonderful and I look forward to blogging with them for a long time to come!! Thanks again, Rebecca Jo, and I hope all my friends enjoy their much deserved blogging award. Thanks to you for stopping by!!
There are rules, and here they are:
1. Put the award on your blog. (Hopefully its there)
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you (that's below) and say something nice about them. ( So not hard to do!)
3. Name at least 4 fellow bloggers for this award.
4. Add links for the recipients.
5. Leave a comment to let the recipients know they have received the award.
I know, doesn't sound hard, its all that computer stuff (linking) that I have trouble with. Well lets see how this goes.
Rebecca Jo's blog is so wonderful! She is very funny and almost on a daily basis challenges me with even the simplest things. She is a knitter, heavily involved in her church youth group, (which I envy, I don't have much patience with other peoples kids) :) She loves the Lord, and you can tell that just by reading her blog. I love to visit her, and she is so kind and gracious when she leaves comments on my blog. Please go visit her. You won't be sorry, but you might be challenged!! Thanks again Rebecca Jo!!!
Here are the 5 blogger friends that I would like to give this award to:
1. http://knittinggiraffe.blogspot.com/ (Leah) She is just plain cute. She is a wonderful knitter, and again, is very gracious when she comments. She is encouraging and thoughtful. Her blog is a very soothing place to visit. And, in case you couldn't tell, she loves giraffes!!
2. http://sewtakeahike.typepad.com/ (Penny) Penny is actually a seamstress!! Her blog is filled with great projects that inspire me, and I don't sew, so well (sorry bad humor :) Her blog is simply beautiful!! She also often has great recipes to pass along, and she has marvelous tutorials on different techniques. She too is very encouraging, a trait all these particular blogger friends have, by the way!!
3. http://homespunliving.blogspot.com/ (Deb) Her blog makes you want to get a cup of tea, and just curl up a stay. She is a knitter, mom and always puts out great recipes, and shares photos, and so many other ideas, you'll always find something new. Her use of vintage items is what drew me to her. Again, her blog is just beautiful!!
4. http://woolwindings.blogspot.com/ (Wool Winder) Loves the Lord, is a fabulous knitter, and puts out some great pictures. Also an encourager!! She also has been married as long as I have. Now that would be an award! :) She also shares so much of herself, and her blog is a joy to go to often!! Which, I do!!!!!
5. Last, but certainly not least is friend Tea at http://foothillsofthegreatsmokymountains.blogspot.com/ . The fact that she is from Tennessee (where my Dad hails from), is what led me to her. Then to find out she likes tomatas (not a spelling error, she'll get it!! ) and sweet tea, boy oh boy, and she knits beautiful things, and now she is sewing like a mad woman. How could you not love her!! She is very funny and her blog is a wonderful place to go. Wish I could really be there, I love Tennessee!!
To all these blogger friends, some are newer than others, but they are wonderful and I look forward to blogging with them for a long time to come!! Thanks again, Rebecca Jo, and I hope all my friends enjoy their much deserved blogging award. Thanks to you for stopping by!!
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