Monday, February 4, 2008

Always the Unexpected!

Sorry I havent' posted in a week, our 14 year old son had an emergency apendectomy on Thursday morning at 6:00 a.m. Long story, but he was a sick little guy, and just came home about an hour ago. I have been at the hospital with him, so we are both anxious to sleep in our own beds, with no nurses or doctors coming in at all hours. I do have to say, that his surgeon was fabulous and compassionate(no, those two don't necessarily go together) and the nurses, I just couldn't even say enough about them. They were patient with both of us, and were very supportive. I am exhausted, but did manage to crochet my first scarf. Also have a pair of socks almost ready to turn the heel. Guess that is all for now, don't want to babble too much, not sure this will even make sense after some sleep. God was good, and allowed us to get him to the hospital before it burst, we were close. Still keep him in your prayers, as he continues to recover, and we are praying that his infection, which got into his body, b/c the appendix had perferrated, will not return. Thanks again.

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